An outreach ministry of North Raleigh United Methodist Church.

A garden chat

Curly Kale- a great addition to the fall garden.

If you are interested in learning more about the garden ministry, please contact Julie Barnes
We have still openings to lease beds in 2025!
We could always use extra people to help pick produce and deliver produce on scheduled picking days.
Growing To Give
In Spring of 2013, 26 raised beds were created by the United Methodist Men and Hearts and Hammers groups, an old well on the property was re-established and 64 cubic yards of topsoil filled the new beds. A Boy Scout built the fence as his Eagle project, to help us keep deer and bunnies out of the garden and gardeners planted and nurtured the garden. In 2014, we added 8 more beds for a total of 34. Over the years many have volunteered their time, not just in growing veggies but in mowing and edging, adding things like patios, shade shelter, compost bins, sorting tables and a picnic table. So many hands have contributed to us being able to donate about 6000 pounds of fresh vegetables to the hungry every year!
Participants lease either a full, 5x20' bed @ $50.00 or half, 5x10' bed @ $25.00 with the understanding that at least 50 percent of their harvest to goes to the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. They also agree to participate 4 hours per year on garden work days and twice a month on a picking team from May through October and a couple times in November and December (pre-Thanksgiving and pre-Christmas). Currently we deliver our produce twice a week to Logan’s Trading Co. in downtown Raleigh where it is picked up by the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle and distributed to those in need.

These may be pretty and tasty, but they often pop open before they get to the food shuttle.